Featured in TOTAL PRESTIGE MAGAZINE... "Jackie turns the daily rhythm of life into an opportunity, not a set of challenges. She also helps others tap into the part of themselves that is undeniably individual and entirely within their control. That’s why she’s known in the industry as the 'coach’s coach' or mentor to the mentors."
- Total Prestige Magazine
Enter your best email below and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my new Book,
“From Scratch To Six Figures”
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A proven system to build your own coaching/consulting business from scratch to six figures minimally (results vary)
Techniques for ensuring your offer is value-packed every time
Formula for legitimately pricing your program/service at your desired level, not at a price you think people will pay
​Tips for positioning yourself in the marketplace as an expert
A system for getting your ideal client to come to you and ask you for the sale
From Scratch To Six Figure: How To Package And Sell What You Know, Love & Do
Learn the Proven System that professionals are turning to to gain economic control over their life by packaging and selling what they already know online and offline as high-ticket offers.
Five hours of tried and tested life-changing information, real client and case studies. Narrated by the author, Jackie Golden, your virtual guide as you implement the process.
BONUS #1: From Scratch To Six Figures Workbook
What separates a successful person from an unsuccessful one? Both are talented, gifted, and have a brilliant mind. One may have unlimited resources with nothing of substance to show for it. And, the other one has little to no resources but has built an empire. How was the one with little to no resources able to get the job done? I can tell you in one word – IMPLEMENTATION! They did the work, and they did it consistently.
This Workbook is designed to help you do just that – succeed. We’ve made it easy for you by providing this tool to guide you along the way in building your own six-figure coaching/consulting business. You’ll get out what you put in. And, if you commit to completing a minimum of 3 small tasks per day, you can make a lot happen in 30 | 60 | or 90 days.
The From Scratch to Six Figures Workbook serves as your 1:1 virtual guide and includes guided lessons and activities that will help you:
➥ Discover your holistic worth by gaining clarity on all that you bring to the table.
➥ Develop your entrepreneurial mindset properly to lay the foundation necessary to grow your business.
➥ Own your total worth and stand in your full value.
➥ Price your products and services accurately.
➥ Execute a sales process that puts you in front of those who want what you offer.
➥ Find buyers, or better yet, set up a process where buyers look for you and ask you for the sale.
Use the From Scratch to Six Figures Workbook and begin implementing today!
BONUS #2: Discovering Your Life's Purpose
From birth we undergo a conditioning process whether deliberate or accidental. And, for many the conditioning limits one's thinking throughout their entire lives. To unlearn and eliminate those limiting beliefs, it is important to take the time to discover and uncover who you truly are. This simple tool is designed to help you meet the real you.
BONUS #3: How To Choose The Right Coach
Have you every said to yourself, "I want to do this or that," but no one will tell me how to get started? Or, "I need help, but no one will help me." Often times we are looking for support in all the wrong places. Who you are looking for is someone I call "Been There."
"Been There" is really the only one who can tell "Going There" how to get there. Use this checklist for help in selecting the right coach OR "Been There."
BONUS #4: Six Great Things You'll Notice If You Give Up Time Snatchers
I don't have enough time. I'll get to it later. These are two of the most common things people say to themselves when it comes to making time for what is truly important to them. When the truth is they have surrendered their time to TIME SNATCHERS. If you are tired of making excuses and want to regain control of your time so that you can make some big things happen in your life, this is a tool you'll want to check out!
BONUS #5: Talent Discovery Tips Sheet - Learn How To Discover Your Talents and Strengthen Them
From birth, limiting beliefs are imposed on us whether deliberate or unintentional and remain with many for a lifetime. As a result, many are living life as a person they were never meant to be or living less than who they are. This tool is designed to help you meet the rest of who you are. Get ready to meet the total you!
BONUS #6: The Cure For Procrastination
For some, not knowing how to start is the issue. For most of the rest, procrastination is the culprit. In this newsletter, you'll learn the cure for procrastination.
When I started working with Jackie, I was positive that she was the one that God placed in my path to help me elevate to the next level in my business. After working with her for 10 days, she has confirmed the gifts that God has placed within me. She has provided me with a safe environment and platform to analyze, measure, and reflect on my gifts, talents, education, background, and skills in order to grab everything within me and package it into my business. She is the answer to my prayers which will launch me into the next level for God’s glory.
Her program is what I needed to transform my life for a time such as this. She is a mentor, coach, and motivator that has helped me to glean from her knowledge so that I can rise and spread my wings like the eagle that I AM. She is the link that God sent to me to bridge the gap between my marketing and business strategy. Her strategies are the new beginning that God wanted me to experience.
Catrice Crawford-Jackson
“When I started working with Dr. Jackie, I wasn’t sure I was ready to start this trip. You see I had already been on a trip of coaching; where I was frustrated and confused about the process. It was not a money issue or anything like that. I was drained from being so lost, frustrated, and confused. However, after talking with Dr. Jackie, I knew I wanted, no needed to work with her, because she gave me what I needed. I felt life changing inside of me. She presents things from a different perspective; it gave me meaning at this level. Dr. Jackie breaks it down for me and I needed this soooo bad. Learning so much more from this level… To get here, to better serve my clients, and create a legacy for the future. I felt defeated before working with Dr. Jackie; now I feel better, enriched, stable and able to speak about my business, with clarity and confidence. Thank you, Father God, for the introduction to Dr. Jackie. She will change your life; yes, I recommend Dr. Jackie, especially, if you want more directional support.”
Kim Byers
I want to say thank you for all you taught me this year! I learned so much in a short period of time. I met Jackie this spring. After my 6 weeks of training, I started my business this summer. Jackie showed me how to start my business, create my strategy questions, and get my funnel page/landing page developed, Facebook page, and website developed. I wrote 4 e-books, started my business this summer, and had my first client booked in July and my second client in August. Both of those programs were this fall and very successful. I would not have been able to do it without her help. Thanks, Jackie, for all you did!
LABS is a source of daily inspiration and challenge. as others who want to do more, I find Jackie Golden is the kind of creative mind that makes me look at myself and my quest from a different angle.
Javonda Quinn
I was not sure what to expect before committing to Dr. Jackie Golden's Eagles Jumpstart Community. After completing countless trainings that did not deliver as promised, I was reluctant to join another. With less than an hour to join with limited seating, I decided that I would rather regret joining than miss out on the one training that would help me. Well, I'm glad I made it in! After the first session, I knew I was in the right place at the right time and was so glad I joined the group.
The training is not the same ol' cookie-cutter approach many are used to. Jackie genuinely and faithfully poured her gift into the group during the process. She really walks you through her system step-by-step showing you HOW TO PACKAGE AND SELL WHAT YOU KNOW | LOVE | DO! Jackie's wisdom, expertise, and generosity are undoubtedly priceless.
Since completing this training, I have a better understanding of how to successfully create and package my system. The Eagle's Jumpstart Community is an impactful program to help you identify your target audience, package your brilliance, spread your wings and SOAR!
Cherry Smalls
I began working with Dr. Jackie Golden in January 2020. Before working with Jackie, I knew I wanted to change my life and grow my business but was too overwhelmed and uncertain to make it happen. Jackie encouraged and motivated me while giving me actionable steps to put systems in place to push my business forward. As a result of working with Jackie, I have clarity around my gifts, and I have learned to stand in my value. Since working with Jackie, I have revamped (increased) my prices, achieved a televised media segment, obtained new clients, and implemented an effective new marketing strategy, all while overcoming a major personal crisis.
I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to work with Jackie. I can honestly say I would not have had those accomplishments without guidance from her. She was instrumental in changing my mindset and self-talk. I know that my life will not be the same because of the impact she has had on me. I strongly encourage anyone who is considering working with Jackie to make the investment!
Dr. Keena Seward
High praise for the Mastermind Tele-seminar today! This session was excellent for getting you grounded in the fullness of all this program has to offer. Jackie excels at establishing expectations and providing structure and a clear path to achieving your goals. If you are looking for heartfelt, authentic support in building a successful business of your own, LOOK NO FURTHER! This program is for you.
Charla Richard
Before I worked with Jackie I was struggling with organization and focus to create a new product for my business. As a result of her coaching I have been able to organize my time and work consistently allocating time for specific tasks. And, very important, to conscientiously use my words to my desirable outcome. Thank you so much Jackie, you have made a world of difference in my life.
Kalyani Fad
Jackie Golden is an amazing thought leader and business coach. Her strategies, systems and solutions generate life changing results. Her witty inspiration energizes, empowers, motivates and transforms others. I highly recommend her.
Gwendolyn Wilson
LABS is a source of daily inspiration and challenge. as others who want to do more, I find Jackie Golden is the kind of creative mind that makes me look at myself and my quest from a different angle.
Vincent Golphin
Dr. Golden is an amazing lady and business coach. Her systems and strategies are built to create results that last. I highly recommend her.
Dr. Hokehe Effiong
You have surely coached and encouraged me thru the years and I have followed your advice and won.
Ceisler L. Taylor
Jackie’s Mastermind session was transformational!!! Jackie is first of all an approachable leader. Jackie’s transparency in sharing her story and experience touches the heart first, then captives your mind causing you to take action. If you are looking for empowerment to push you to be your best YOU. Make the investment in you and book a strategy session. It will change your mind and your life.
Alandis Porter
Jackie has been a great coach, helping me find my true passion and joy. We can always be our best selves when we are authentic about what we want and what brings us joys, and Jackie has helped with that. She is genuinely GOLDEN.
Melissa Morrison
Jacquelyn D. Golden, Ph.D. (a.k.a., Jackie Golden) is a
#1 Bestselling author, coach, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and minister devoted to building lives. Her passion for educating, developing, and inspiring others is not limited to the church.
Jackie is highly esteemed in the corporate sector for her outstanding contributions in thought leadership, management, training and development strategies, process improvement, and project and change management. Her unique ability to teach, create, and deliver “training that sticks” and cater to all learning styles has earned her praise from participants of her numerous training and coaching programs.